A biweekly show about queer characters, concepts, and controversies in popular culture, brought to you by two board-certified bisexual buds! Put on your bifocals as Lizy (she/her) and Joseph (he/his) take a close look at film, television, books, games, and more through a queer lens.
38. Scott Pilgrim
Lizy Conyers & Joseph Gutierrez
Joseph doesn't know what Canadian currency is. Lizy grapples with our producer. We're putting on our bifocals and taking on the world! Join us as we discuss Bryan Lee O'Malley's graphic novel series, Edgar Wright's 2010 film, and our hopes for future adaptations, obviously.
Music by John Bartmann: https://johnbartmann.com/
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/bifocalscast?fan_landing=true